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Please note Radhashtmi occurred in past.

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by Vedic Cultural Center - Bellevue in Bellevue

Event Type: Religious Event




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Event Information: Radhashtmi by Vedic Cultural Center - Bellevue

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Radhashtmi Occured in past

About Organizer
This event occured in past
The new center in Bellevue will be home to a temple, a Varnashrama College, and a multi-purpose hall for cultural and spiritual activities. Varnashrama College will teach subjects based on the Bhagavad Gita that are not taught in normal institutions of higher education.Spiritual knowledge and devotional practices are essential to have a sustainable and peaceful society wherein its members attain the love of God, compassion and respect for all living entities. Help us expand these beneficial activities that support every mother and father in promoting genuinely good values for their children. VCC actively tries to maintain a friendly, happy and safe environment to bring families together through culture and spirituality. Together, we can ensure VCC continues to grow by supporting its activities.