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Home for rent in decent and secured neighborhood

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House/Condo/Apartment for Rent by Owner  KENT  View Other Classifieds    Do you own a Home Based Business? If yes, advertise your business. Just add it as a classified.   

Home for rent in decent and secured neighborhood  
Name: Barandeep Dhillon
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Location: KENT, WA
Phone: (206) 480-9608
Category: House/Condo/Apartment for Rent by Owner
Expire Date: 9/30/2024
Ad Details: We have 4 beds and 2.5 bath with decent backyard. We have 3 car garage parking and plenty of space on street. Hindu temple and gurdwara is very nearby . There are plenty of indian groceries near by. Very convenient public transportation available in this neighborhood. Sounder train is also very close . If you are commute to downtown seattle. Our house is equipped with solar system. No smoking inside the house. Our rent price is $3490. Any other question about this house Deep 206-480-9608

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Beware of Scammers: Do not accept any personal check. It has come to our notice that some scammers will give personal check and then that check will bounce in few days. Do not list your email or phone number in the body of the classified.

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